Friday, January 25, 2013

Crocheted Mini Clutch

I don't usually take the time to write out a pattern for the things I crochet, but I'm giving it a try!  If you make this and find an error, please let me know!  Please do not sell my pattern or post it anywhere else.  You may link to my blog and sell any item you make from this pattern!

Mini Clutch
Copyright ACShehane, 2013

Materials: small amount of worsted weight yarn, I hook, and a yarn needle for weaving in ends

Ch 32.

Row 1: Hdc in 4th ch from hook (counts as 1 dc).  Hdc in each ch across (30 hdc).  Ch 1, turn.
Rows 2 - 20: Hdc in each st across (30 hdc). Ch 1, turn.

-Fold work in half. Sl st through first AND last stitches of row 20.  Sl st through 2 stitches across (15 sl stitches).  Finish off.

-Attatch yarn in foundation chain.  Sl st through first AND last foundation chains.  Sl st through 2 stitches across (15 sl stitches).

-With right side facing, attach yarn to right corner.  Ch 1.  Sc at the end of each row around (40 sc).  Join in BACK loop of first sc.  This will cause the top to draw inward slightly.

Row 1: Ch 1. Sc in BACK loop of same st and in next 19 stitches (20sc).  Ch 1, turn.
Row 2: Sc in FRONT loop of each st (20 sc).  Ch 1, turn.
Row 3 - 5: Hdc in each st across (20hdc). Ch 1 turn.
Row 6: *Sc in next st, hdc in next st, dc in next st, hdc in next st, sc in next st*.  Repeat from * to *.  (4 sscallops.)  Ch 1, turn.
Row 7: Sc in next st, *hdc in next st, 2 dc in next st, hdc in next st, sc2tog*.  Repeat from * to *, ending with sc instead of sc2tog.  Finish off.

Flap border:  With riht side facing, attach yarn with a sc to end of row 2 of flap.  Sc in the end of next 5 rows.  3 sc incorner sc.  Sc in next 9 stitches.  Ch 2, sk next stitch ( buttonhole made).  Sc in next 8 sc.  3 sc in corner sc.  Sc in the end of next 6 rows.
Row 2: Reverse sc in each st around.  Finish off.

Weave in ends.  Sew button onto front.  Line with fabric if desired.

Monday, December 31, 2012

I can't even remember the last time I had a blog.  I probably won't update mine as frequently as most.  It just seems that after this year, I just have a lot to say.  I feel that I've aged ten years in the last twelve a good way!  I've learned so much and I just want to share a few of those things!

- James 1:5 says "If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.".  J and I have had to make some big decisions this year.  In many of these instances, we wouldn't have picked the best options.  God gave us wisdom....freely and generously.

- Miracles still happen today.  We don't often see for ourselves miracles like those recorded in the Bible or those we hear about from missionaries.  It's one thing to hear about these miracles.  It's another to experience one.  E was less than the 1st%  in February.  The doctor told me that her life was in danger and she must be hospitaized.  To make a long story short, E is very healthy now.  God healed her...she is my little miracle!

- God always, always knows what is best for me.  Just thinking about what this has meant to me personally this past year brings tears to my eyes.  (That's a pretty big deal since I'm not a cryer!).  He will not ever lead us through something that is not for our own good.  That doesn't mean that it will be easy.  In my case, 'it' was downright awful!  He knew what was best.  I remember sitting in line one day to pick P up from pre-k.  I told God that I had finally had more than I could handle and I was completely broken.  He said to me, "This is when I can use you.  You are broken so that I can put you back together and form you into who I want you to be.". From that point on, I decided to stop trusting Him only on the surface.  He is putting me together again and walked by my side through a very difficult time. 

-This 'putting together' process is exactly that...a PROCESS.  I don't ever want to think I've arrived to the point that I don't need to continue growing spiritually.  If I'm not moving forward in my relationship with God, then it's time for reevaluation.

- He is faithful.  Oh, so faithful.  I'm not always faithful, but He always is.

I know this type of thing is not typical for me, but I feel that I should share.  I generally don't set resolutions.  I'm not going start for 2013.  God did so much for J, P, D, E, and me  in 2012 that I am immensely grateful!  I can't wait to see what He has in store for us in 2013!